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Third Son – Melancholia (Polymath)

The Polymath label turn out a stunning triple tracker release, inviting Kincaid and Roboturner, alongside label boss Third Son, to create unique musical interpretations of the theme ‘Melancholia’.

Third Son opens proceedings with a low slung mellifluous groove, laced with ghostly atmospheric synths, before building into a crescendo helmed by sustained tape-like pads.

Kincaid incorporates 80’s synth influences info his mix delivering a powerful interpretation as beautiful as it is blue, creating a truly melodic soundscape.

Newcomer Roboturner makes his debut release with a real cinematic piece, fused up with 80’s electro and contemporary tech, drizzled with some cool vocal samples.

Third Son’s ‘Melancholia’ EP is already available on Polymath.

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