Sievi (a.k.a. Zach Howie) is a Canadian artist who employs the sounds of the natural landscapes of his home country in his compositions, mixing electronic sequences with sampling and live percussion. The result is a kind of airy, organic music that rides the dividing lines between real instrumentation and machine programming
‘Birch Tree’ is his fifth release, a sparse and elegant track that combines layers of guitar, piano, synths, drums and effects to create a sense of the majesty and vastness of the Canadian landscape Sievi gets his inspiration from. A simple, yet engaging, melody is joined by jittery drums and cool, crisp guitars, which give way to the piano on the break, and then the intricate interplaying web of layers comes together for a riveting finale, reaching the heights of emotion thanks to resounding piano notes and frantic drumming to then gradually build down to its end.
In all, ‘Birch Tree’ is a well-produced, melodic track that takes your mind to isolated places with clear skies and cool air, in a short-but-sweet journey that is sure to leave you feeling a little chilled.