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Franky Wah offers reward for stolen music collection in Ibiza

His car was burglarized, losing his bags, laptop, and unfinished music.

Photo Credit: Franky Wah – Facebook

Franky Wah has offered a reward following the theft of his music collection and personal items in Ibiza. The incident occurred on June 12th, while he was dining in the Jesús restaurant. His car was broken into, and his bags and laptop, which contained years of unfinished music, were stolen.

In a video on Instagram, the British DJ & producer expressed his distress about the sentimental loss and announced a reward for any information that could lead to the recovery of his possessions. Despite having some music backed up, he is worried about several unsaved projects that are now in jeopardy.

Wah updated saying that while none of his possessions had been recovered, promising leads were being pursued. He guaranteed confidentiality and a reward to anyone who could help in recovering his items.

He stressed the importance of the local community in spreading the word and assisting in the recovery of his possessions.


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Una publicación compartida por Franky Wah (@frankywahmusic)

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