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Electronic Groove: ‘Support the Arts’

Electronic Groove and urban artists create unique wearable artworks.

Here at EG, we have been fans of urban arts for a long time. Establishing relationships with a number of artists from around the world over the years is vital to us, giving a chance to get an insider’s look at the whole creative process behind the amazing work we see in the streets of the cities that continuously inspire us.

Thanks to this, our appreciation for this type of art has increased over the years, which is the reason, because of these uncertain times we’re all going through at this moment, we’ve decided to team-up and support each other. We think that just asking for money is too easy, so we are giving it a twist by offering a limited-edition series of collectible T-shirts designed by the street artists themselves, so you can support them and us, and get a really cool and unique piece of wearable art as well.

Our first T-shirt design comes from Venezuelan native SLOMO, who lives in Barcelona, Spain, but is currently being held in Miami due to travel restrictions. Originally from Caracas, he spent the last decade living in Florida, where he took his first steps as an urban artist under the guidance and influence of visitors to the city’s art festivals, especially those coming from Spain. His style has described as geometric, with abstract as well as figurative works, in which he uses transparencies and color overlays, all done exclusively with spray cans. Rooted in “Cinetismo Venezolano” or Venezuelan Kinetic Art (inspired by artists like Carlos Cruz-Diez, Jesus Rafael Soto and Alejandro Otero, among others), SLOMO has also been influenced by the burgeoning Miami street art scene, which has been set alight thanks to events like Art Basel and others, and by the city of Barcelona and its street artists.

Having immersed himself fully in art during the past years, he has been a growing presence in the walls of his adoptive city of Miami, with many works under his belt, before heading to the Old Continent and establishing himself in Barcelona to keep evolving in unique fashion alongside the city’s creative minds and brightest talents.

Now, SLOMO has designed the first of our ‘Support the Arts’ series of T-Shirts, imprinting his unique style to fabric and producing a very cool and one-of-a-kind piece of wearable art. By buying this shirt, you’re supporting this gifted artist as well as Electronic Groove during these tough times.

Other artists like Pez, Kenor, and Uri are confirmed for the series. You can buy the first wearable here.

Follow SLOMO: Facebook | Instagram

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