The room gets flooded by a bass, gently, like a rising tide. A wave, slowly dragging you into the steel grey ocean. When describing the music of Santiago Garcia, metaphors of nature and ancient tales seem just adequate.
The born and bred in Buenos Aires, Santiago Garcia today resides in Spain. He creates an intelligent, never too pushy but always deliciously challenging sound that works on big festival stages just as well as on trippy afterhours. A unique balance, hitting that sweet spot that did not only make him well known in the South American Electronic Music Scene, but that led him to be discovered by the Innervisions Crew who quickly invited him to release on their Sublabel Exit Strategy and no time much time after that invited to be part of Secret Weapons 11 by Innervisions.
Now, Garcias smart, emotionally accentuated sound can be heard and danced to all over the Clubs on Ibiza during summer. Black Coffee, Âme and Dixon are only a few of the well known artists into whose record bags he has made it. Playing shows at Bedouins Saga and having collaborations with Blond:ish, Releases on Warung Recordings, Moblack and Multinotes are all pointing into one direction: Out to the steel black ocean, prepared to making some waves.