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Creating ‘Drama’: Up-close conversation with Tonino

Tonino, a 28-year-old German-Croatian producer, has made a name for himself in the electronic music scene with his blend of melodic and progressive techno.

Photo credit: Tonino – Official

His music, which has been released on labels such as Lelantus Records, Wout Records, and Mir Music, has been played by various DJs, including Paul Van Dyk.

An enthusiastic performer, Tonino frequently performs at clubs and festivals such as Birgit in Berlin, Salt & Pepper in Pforzheim, and the Singularity Festival in Stuttgart. His sets, which are a fusion of his emotional productions and experiences, often feature collaborations with artists like Extrawelt, Cosmic Boys, and Rafael Cerato.

EG recently had the opportunity to speak with Tonino to delve into his latest release ‘Drama’, his newly founded label Solara, and his upcoming projects, offering a glimpse into the mind of this talented artist.

EG: Hi, Tonino! Welcome to EG. It’s a pleasure to have you here with us. How have you been? Where are you right now?

Tonino: Hey, nice to meet you! Thanks for having me. I am doing great. I am just back in my studio after a crazy weekend in Berlin where I have been for the Berlin Dance Music Events and played an amazing show.

EG: First of all, congratulations on the release of your new single, ‘Drama’! You must be amped to finally share this one with everyone. What has the initial reception been like so far? Do you remember the first time you played this one live?

Tonino: Thank you. Yes, I am indeed very hyped to finally share this release, as for me it’s the start of a new chapter. The reception has been awesome. We made it into the Beatport charts, had some plays on the national and international radio and so far some good streaming stats. The release got a lot of support from big names. This makes me incredibly proud and happy.

Yes, I played the release the first time in a nightclub in Schwäbisch Hall together with 2 other IDs in the same style. I was quite nervous, as the style is something new and I was very curious about how it works out in the club. ‘Drama’ was the first of the tracks I played in the sold-out club and the people went crazy. They sang along the lyrics and cheered when the drop came in. High energy and definitely a goosebump moment.

EG: So, what can your fans expect to find on ‘Drama’? Is there a concept or emotional trigger driving this cut?

Tonino: The sound of ‘Drama’ and my future upcoming releases are my own interpretation of the progressive sound. It defines a new kind of style and breaks existing subgenres. The main focus is on the groove and the emotion. I have always been a nightlife person and went to clubs to have a dance long before my career in the scene. I need something that gets me moving on the floor but also conveys emotions to the listener. With my releases, I always try to create my own way, aside from standards.

EG: By the way, ‘Drama’ is the first release of your newly founded label, Solara. When was the idea for Solara born and why did you decide to run your own imprint? How is Solara structured today?

Tonino and Jenny:  The idea was shaped about a year ago, but the timing didn’t feel right at that moment. As we crafted our own sound, the time was ready to go the new way with Solara. We wanted to have the flexibility and freedom to release regularly, whenever and whatever we wanted. The freedom to release on our own label creates a lot of space for creativity, as you can create music unaffected.

Tonino: I am the creative part of the label.

Jenny: And I am the operative part of the label.

“The main focus is on the groove and the emotion”

EG: Why did you guys decide to separate the “creative” tasks from the operational ones? Was that a conscious decision?

Jenny: We have separated the tasks because with this everyone can use his main skills.

Tonino: I am the one with the vision and a little bit of megalomania. Every time I have a new idea or a new concept I am totally hyped up and pitch it to Jenny.

Jenny: My part is to take this concept, cool it a bit down, and make it realizable. I am the structured part of us.

Tonino: Then I am the emotional part haha

EG: So, where do you see Solara in five or ten years? What can we expect from Solara in the coming months? Is there anything you can anticipate on that front?

Tonino and Jenny: First we have a lot of Tonino IDs already scheduled for Solara in the next couple of months. We are now starting with other artists on the label. We have teamed up with amazing artists for some originals and also some remixes. A big thing for the future will be our own Solara events. We are starting with the planning of it right now and already have nice concepts for club nights and open airs.

EG: As a touring DJ, you must have noticed that bigger and bigger screens seem to be the norm these days. Does it take away too much from the music? Is there such a thing as “overstimulation”? What does the future of festivals look like to you?

Tonino: As you mention overstimulation is indeed a big topic today. In a world where people live under a permanent stimulation from social media and other influences, we need to be careful. Consequences such as shortened attention spans and a disrupted dopamine balance are already noticeable. The events are of course a huge happening and I have also visited such festivals and am of course impressed by what is created there.

However, I think the most important thing at the events, namely the music, should not take second place. Together with the Noises Of, collective from Mainz, we organize big events where the artist and above all the music are once again the main focus of the event. This summer we will once again be hosting great artists.

I think that’s what the future will look like. Of course, there will still be giant events with a lot of new technologies. But in my opinion, there will also be another broad field of events that will take a step back and bring the music back to the spotlight. I am very excited about this development.

“The freedom to release on our own label creates a lot of space for creativity, as you can create music unaffected”

EG: And AI? What’s your stance on this? Has any form of AI been used in the release of ‘Drama’? Is it something that you will be incorporating into Solara in any way?

Tonino and Jenny: AI will be a big thing in the future in our opinion. There is no AI used in the release of ‘Drama’, but we are experimenting a bit right now with AI vocals for upcoming tracks. We see the whole issue as a bit ambivalent. But used correctly, AI can surely be a nice addition to the producer’s existing workflow.

EG: Finally, what can we expect from Tonino in the next months? Where can your fans catch you playing live?

Tonino: There are still a few releases to come this year, both on Solara and on other labels. We can proudly say that we have a fully booked summer and are on the road at beautiful open airs and clubs all over Germany. There are also a few things in the pipeline internationally and I’m looking forward to announcing more here soon. Feel free to check out my social media profiles, where I always publish my dates for the individual shows in advance.

EG: Thank you so much for your time, guys! We wish you all the best for the future. Take care!

Jenny: It was a pleasure to talk to you. Thanks for having us and enjoy the summer!

Tonino: Thanks to everyone who is supporting us on our journey! It really means a ton to us. Thanks for having us here for the nice chat. Wish you all a great time and see you soon!

Tonino’s ‘Drama’ is now available on Solara. Stream and download here.

Follow Tonino: Spotify | Soundcloud | Instagram

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