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Exploring the musical journey of Tom Zeta

The talented Dutch artist, Tom Zeta, is making waves in the electronic music scene with his unique blend of uplifting house and techno. Recognized and supported by Solomun, who was the first to discover his talent and showcase his music, Zeta’s career has been on the rise.

Photo credit: Tom Zeta – Facebook

Zeta’s musical journey began at the age of 9 when he started playing the drums. Growing up, he played in various bands, exploring different genres of music. At 15, his passion for music led him to dive into the world of electronic music, experimenting with sounds on his computer. This newfound love for electronic music prompted Zeta to pursue a bachelor’s degree in composition and music technology at HKU in Utrecht.

Combining his background in drumming with a love for synthesizers and analog gear, Zeta’s tracks are characterized by high-energy, melodic, and percussion-driven elements. He constantly pushes the boundaries of sound, incorporating eccentric and electrifying elements into his music and DJ performances.

The artist’s latest release, ‘Kimi Kimono,’ on his newly launched imprint Zeta Flavour, takes listeners on a musical journey that blends nature’s unique grooves with seductive melodies.

In a recent interview with EG, Tom Zeta discussed his latest productions and shared insights into his future endeavors. With an exciting year ahead, he plans to continue playing gigs, exploring new countries, and working on fresh ideas.

EG: Hi, Tom! Welcome to EG. It’s a pleasure to have you here with us. How have you been? Where are you right now?

Tom Zeta: Thank you for the warm welcome! I’m thrilled to be here at EG. I’ve been doing well, thank you. Currently, you can find me in Ibiza. It’s getting chillier, but the sun is still shining!

EG: First of all, thank you for presenting us with the latest installment in our EG Podcast Series! What can fans of the series expect from this one? How do you usually work with recorded mixes?

Tom Zeta: I’m honored to share one of my musical tales on the esteemed platform of EG! In this podcast, I’ve crafted a narrative around my upcoming single, intertwining it with fresh and inspiring work from other talented artists. I hope this episode resonates with the audience.

EG: By the way, congratulations on the release of your brand new single, ‘Kimi Kimono’! You must be excited to finally share this one. What has the initial reception been like so far? Do you remember the first time you played this one live? (If you have)

Tom Zeta: Thank you! I’m absolutely thrilled about the release of ‘Kimi Kimono.’ The initial reception has been incredible, and I’m grateful for the positive feedback and support from fellow DJs and listeners. Playing it live for the first time, especially at Tomorrowland, was a memorable experience. It’s truly fulfilling to see the track resonate so well!

EG: So, what’s ‘Kimi Kimono’ all about? Is there an inspirational trigger driving ‘Kimi Kimono’? What can your fans find here?

Tom Zeta: ‘Kimi Kimono’ is a musical journey inspired by nature’s grooves, blending seductive melodies for a cheerful and graceful experience. The track embodies the strength, grace, and beauty of an imaginary figure named Kimi Kimono. The song features my vocal artistry, including a charming backing vocal from my girlfriend. As a drummer turned producer, the rhythm and beat arrangements bring an irresistible energy to the audience!

“The track embodies the strength, grace, and beauty of an imaginary figure named Kimi Kimono.”

EG: ‘Kimi Kimono’ is out now via your own newly launched imprint Zeta Flavour. What can we expect from Zeta Flavour in the near future? Why did you feel the need to create Zeta Flavour?

Tom Zeta: Absolutely, Zeta Flavour is my new creative playground! Expect more of that distinctive flavor in the future – music with energy, infused with a touch of humor and eccentricity. Creating my own label gives me a unique freedom. It allows me to be in control of how and when I present my music to the world. I’m excited about the creative possibilities and can’t wait to share more musical adventures through Zeta Flavour.

EG: Just how much research did you decide to do before launching Zeta Flavour? Can you explain the concept behind its unique artwork covers? What would you say are some of the key aspects to consider when launching a label nowadays?

Tom Zeta: Launching Zeta Flavour involved careful research, especially in finding the right distribution partner. After some consideration, I’m pleased to be working with Labelworx. The unique artwork covers, created by Eirene Art, an artist inspired by the vibrant colors of nature, add a distinctive touch to each release. Since she’s also my girlfriend, it creates a meaningful connection between the music and the visual representation. In the current landscape, releasing music is accessible, but maintaining quality is crucial. With the plethora of tools available, it’s easy to get lost.

EG: Now, speaking about live events… How do you feel about the rise of these huge LED screens and cinematic visuals? Do they enhance the narrative, or are they just taking too much attention away from the music?

Tom Zeta: Huge LED screens offer a different experience, combining visuals with music. It’s not about one being better than the other; they’re just different preferences. Personally, I enjoy when the focus is more on the music and the connection with the audience.

EG: The incorporation of AI in electronic music seems to be on the rise, whether it is in the music, the album covers, or beyond. Do you have a particular stance on this?

Tom Zeta: I’m always curious about new technology. Trying out AI in electronic music is something I’m open to, exploring how it can enhance and complement my creative process.

“In the current landscape, releasing music is accessible, but maintaining quality is crucial”

EG: Finally, can you provide some insights into what’s next for Tom Zeta? What’s in store for 2024? Where can your fans catch you next?

Tom Zeta: Exciting things ahead in 2024! I’ll be playing more gigs, exploring new countries, and currently working on developing some fresh ideas. For an immediate catch-up, join me in Baku on New Year’s Eve – it’s going to be a fantastic start to the new year there!

EG: Thank you so much for your time, Tom! We wish you all the best for the future. Take care!

Tom Zeta: You’re welcome! And thank you for this interview!

Tom Zeta’s ‘Kimi Kimono’ is out now via Zeta Flavour. Stream and download here.

Follow Tom Zeta: Spotify | Soundcloud | Instagram

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